Please note when you opt for the Member Investment Choice:
- You are either a Life Stage Model member or an own choice member – you cannot have a mix of the two
- You can select any combination of the four portfolios above to invest in
- You can exercise this choice once a month. Option forms received in the month will be implemented with effect from the 1st of the following month
- Once you have exercised a choice you will remain in that portfolio or Life Stage Model option until such time that you submit a revised option form
- If you are one of those members whose retirement benefit is calculated in terms of the formulae, provided that it adds up to 100%, you cannot exercise an investment choice between Life Stage Model 60 and 65 and you are not allowed to exercise an own choice
- If you become a deferred member, you need to complete an option form otherwise your savings will remain to be invested in the same strategy as it was invested at date of retirement
- Your total accumulated funds and ongoing retirement savings can be invested differently, but only if you are an own choice member
No fee is applicable if you switch between the Life Stage Model 60 and Life Stage Model 65 option or exercise an own choice.