Interesting Articles


Two Pots in action

From 1 March 2025, you will be able to request a withdrawal from your Savings Pot (provided that there is at least R2000 in the pot). BUT IS IT REALLY WORTH IT? Find out in our latest article.

Are you ready to retire?

Let's take a look at three indicators that older fund members can use to establish whether they are truly ready for retirement.

Clever ways to catch up on savings

Start the year off with the right goals! Here's how to save more in 2025.


You can make things so much easier and less stressful for your family by making sure you have a valid and up-to date Will. And, from 16-20 September, you can get one drafted by a participating attorney FOR FREE. For more information contact the Law Society of South Africa:
012 366 8800 

Retirement Funds rate TEN out of TEN!

There are so many good reasons to prioritise saving in the Fund. Find out more about why you should maximise your Fund contributions today!

The country's budget... and what lies ahead for retirement funds

Find out how the national budget affects you, as well as more on implementation of the Two-pot System


What does it take to retire early?

Is it a realistic option, and what should you consider before doing so?

To rent or to buy? Here are a few things you should consider before making this big decision.
Find out more about National Treasury's suggested changes.
From 11 - 15 September, participating attorneys will draft basic wills FREE OF CHARGE. Use this opportunity to ensure that your affairs are in order, and that your assets are protected.

Steer clear of suspicious schemes and scams

There are many criminals out there who want to get their hands on your money. Here's how to spot a scam before it's too late.

Where are we at with the two-pot system?

There has been a lot of discussion in the media about updates to the proposed 'two-pot' retirement system. Here are the facts.


Investing is NOTHING like gambling

Your investment strategy should be carefully planned and considered - exactly the opposite of gambling.

Don’t let rising costs sink you!

How can you best manage the ever-increasing cost of living?

Make the most of tax rebates

There are lots of completely legal ways to cut back on the tax you pay – here’s how.

The National Budget made simple

How does our country's budget affect you in real terms? Find out in this short, graphic summary of the key points from the 22 February budget speech.

A long life can be a liability

Do you know what longevity risk is? What can you do to avoid being caught unprepared if it affects you one day?

The cost of early retirement

Are you considering taking early retirement? If so, there are some very important factors to consider first, to ensure that you live comfortably through your golden years.
Saving for your children’s education

It’s vital to begin investing in your children’s education as early in their lives as possible. Let’s discuss some practical ways to achieve this.

Hot Topics

Catch up on Savings

Start the new year on the right foot.

How to claim

How to claim from your Savings Pot in EMERGENCIES ONLY

Fund Overview

Discover More with a Click: Watch Our Fund Overview Video Now!