Member Share

For your latest Member Share please:

  1. Click on Login here (register first if you have not accessed your values on this site before)
  2. Log in or register on the MRA Interactive Portal. Click here for the registration guide. To access the portal click here: NTRF- Momentum Member portal

What is your Member Share?

This amount is made up of:

  • The total contributions towards retirement savings (employee and employer); plus
  • Any amount transferred from a previous Fund; plus
  • Investment Returns (remember these can be positive or negative depending on the portfolio you are invested in)

*Remember: returns can be positive or negative, depending on the market returns

Your Member Share is divided into three pots as follows:

VESTED POT All the money in the NTRF saved up to 31 August 2024 will be in this pot, except for a small portion transferred to your Savings Pot when this pot was created.

The withdrawal and retirement benefits rules for the money in this pot are the same as they were before 1 September 2024. 

You can only access this money when you leave the Fund.
SAVINGS POT (Emergencies only) This pot is only for emergencies, and you don’t have to take the money out if you don’t need it.

You can only take money out of this pot once per tax year and you must take a minimum of R2 000.

If you do request a cash withdrawal, you'll have to pay tax and an administration fee. The tax you pay will match your income tax rate.
RETIREMENT POT You can't access this money until you retire.

When you do retire, you have to use this money to buy a pension, unless it is less than R165 000, when you can take it in cash.

Where can I find out more about each pot?

Click here to watch our short videos of how each pot works.

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Discover More with a Click: Watch Our Fund Overview Video Now!