Fund structure

The Fund is managed by a Board constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Pension Funds Act and consists of the following individuals.


The Board appoints a Principal Officer who is responsible for the day to day running of the Funds.

Soonder, A (Chairperson)


Principal Officer Responsibilities - click here

5 Appointed Board Members:

Stanfliet, BA


Staak, AP


Balkaran, R (Prof)

Scheepers, M 

Tsita, NC


5 Member Elected Board Members:

Snyman, J Louw, TE (Dr)
 Hillermann, L (Dr) Laubscher, J (Prof)
Munsamy, NG Patchiappen, N

 1 Pensioner:

Tromp, D


The Board Members remain responsible for all the Fund decisions that are made. They have to ensure that members' and beneficiaries' interests are protected at all times. And where the Board Members lack expertise in a specific field, they are aided by retirement industry experts and specialists.

The Board Members place a high value on:

• Transparency
• Integrity
• Accountability
• Their responsibility to act with due care and diligence
• Innovation, meaning having the capacity to "think out of the box”

The Board Members hold office for a maximum period of 5 years. A formal election is held at the end of their term of office, where members will be able to either re-elect the Board Member currently in office, or elect new Board Members.
Prof Hoo says

Please note:
Every five years there will be an election, where you may elect Board Members to represent you on the Board. It is important that you take part in this election to ensure that individuals are elected to act in your best interest.


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